My most indispensable piece of technology

Hello everyone, the piece of technology that I use the most is the cell phone, which fulfills different functions in my daily life for example, I use it to communicate with friends and my family. I also use it to take pictures and check the emails from the subjects of university Other times, I use it to locate me when I go to places that I have not gone before,Well, the things mentioned above are things that i consider necessary, but they are not the only things I do with the cell phone, I also use it in my free time to distract me listening to music or also I see publications on social networks.I consider that the cell phone comply the same funtions that a computer but his format is more practical and I can carry for all places with greater comfort, because is more little and light.Regards! 


  1. What social networks do you prefer?

  2. In my opinion a computer is more complete that a cell phone but is less portable

  3. the cell phone is my favourite technology too! Do you know the meaning of technology?

  4. I also use it for locate me in places I dont know, I think that's very helpfull.

  5. Is my favorite tecnology too!!! Regards!

  6. You made a great description of the utilities that provide a smartphone ... I too do all that what you describe :)


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